We always love to hear from people interested in C-Max and Roller Derby. Make sure your message is getting to the right person. We always try to respond to emails as quickly as we can, but please bear with us around busy times of the year and bouting time, as we can be a bit slower at these times.
GENERAL INQUIRIES info@cmaxrollerderby.com
BOUT ORGANISATION bouts@cmaxrollerderby.com
MEDIA & PRESS INQUIRIES media@cmaxrollerderby.com
SPONSORSHIP sponsorship@cmaxrollerderby.com
EVENTS events@cmaxrollerderby.com
REC LEAGUE rec@cmaxrollerderby.com
JUNIOR DERBY junior@cmaxrollerderby.com
TICKETS tickets@cmaxrollerderby.com
SHOP shop@cmaxrollerderby.com
SKATER VISITS OR TRANSFER info@cmaxrollerderby.com
REFs & NSOs officials@cmaxrollerderby.com
COMMUNITY WORK outreach@cmaxrollerderby.com
JOBURG ALL STARS allstars@cmaxrollerderby.com
RAGING WARMONES warmones@cmaxrollerderb.com
SLAM DAMSELS slamdamsels@cmaxrollerderby.com
THUNDERING HELLCATS hellcats@cmaxrollerderby.com