C-Max logo no background

Photographs by Graham Mccowen


C-Max Roller Derby League is a flat track Roller Derby League based in Johannesburg, South Africa.   Founded in 2010, C-Max Roller Derby League was the first Roller Derby league on the African continent.   It is run by the skaters, for the skaters and its drive is to play and progress the sport of Roller Derby, both at home and right across South Africa.   C-Max welcomes everyone to be part of Roller Derby, and does not discriminate.   We aim to represent the highest level of fair but competitive play, both in South Africa and internationally.


C-Max's three home teams (Raging Warmones; Thundering Hellcats and Slam Damsels) compete regularly against each other in Johannesburg, and our All Star Travel Team, The Joburg All Stars, will soon be competing against other teams in South Africa and around the world.


Meet our skaters here.


Our new (fresh meat) skaters start out their derby careers in our Recreational League.  

Want to know more about Roller Derby?  You can find out more on our  What is Roller Derby page.


Training Schedule:








For more information please contact us.


In 2010 I watched the movie, Whip It, after a family friend recommended it and said that I would do something like that. I decided to get the DVD and after seeing it I was sold that I wanted to do roller derby.


I looked around for somewhere in Johannesburg to do it but couldn't find anything, although you could clearly see it was taking over the rest of the world. It took me 5 seconds to make up my mind and I decided to start the sport here. I posted on some random Facebook page if any girls in South Africa would be interested in doing roller derby and the next day I met Candice van Niekerk aka Ling Vom Bot, for a cup of coffee and C-Max Roller Derby League was born. We made a Facebook page and started telling people about it. In the months that followed more and more people joined and we all started to figure this out. Eventually, after almost 2 years of hard work and dedication, we were able to host the very first roller derby bout in Africa, Rage In The Cage, on 3 March 2012!


Melinda Lotz aka MissChief, co-founder or C-Max and Initiator of Roller Derby in South Africa and Candice van Nierkerk aka Ling Vom Bot, co-founder

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Message From Our Founders...

19:00 - 22:00 LEAGUE PRACTICE


09:00 - 11:00 HOME TEAM SESSION 1


13:00 - 15:00 HOME TEAM SESSION 2

15:00 - 17:00 CHARTER TEAM