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C-Max Roller Derby Blog

By cmaxrd, May 14 2014 10:08AM

The Peace Street Sports Centre was absolutely packed with fans on Saturday May 10th for the second bout of C-Max Roller Derby League's home season. The crowd warmed up with a sizzling fire dancing show before the action began.

The Slam Damsels proved themselves a force to be reckoned with at last year's debut bout against fellow new C-Max teams the Savage Sailor Dolls and Hate City. Now they're in the big leagues, and their match-up with the legendary Raging Warmones was the most exhilarating bout so far in this year's home season.

The Raging Warmones need no introduction if you're even vaguely into South African roller derby – one of the oldest teams in C-Max is also one of the most popular. This cheeky team may not take themselves too seriously – but they damn well take their training seriously, and it shows in every single jam.

The Damsels dominated early on (the pre-show Mexican Schwing with the crowd must have bolstered their spirits), but the Warmones rallied and kept up in the first half. Slam Damsels captain Madame Gutterfly's signature apex jump has spread to the whole team, and of course it's an absolute crowd pleaser. The Warmones' incredible jammers, including captain Miss C Malice, co-captain Ling Vom Bot and crowd favourite Sugar Fists gave the team an edge and they led 52-50 at half time.

After a raucous few rounds of push-a-derby-girl at half time, the hard hits were back on.

The Raging Warmones surged ahead in the second half with a 15 point lead in the first few jams. While Damsels jammers Klap Cake, Electri-Kel and Problems made a valiant effort to snatch some points for their team, the Warmones' strength and stamina were insurmountable and their lead widened. The Slam Damsels were 30 points behind when they refocused, and with the help of a power jam, began to catch up.

The Warmones stayed strong through the end and won, with the score being 148 to 136 for the Slam Damsels. The crowd went insane and Warmones and Damsels supporters alike were chuffed to witness this truly excellent game.

The great thing about watching these two teams was not only the amazing skills on show, but the lighthearted comradery between them. The competition may be fierce, but jammers would smile and chat before the start whistle, and there was a massive group hug after the last jam. Not to sound cheesy, but the C-Max sisterhood vibes really showed through this entire bout.

For more big hits and booty shorts, derby fans will have to wait until the next electric home season bout between the Slam Damsels and the Savage Sailor Dolls on the 24th of May.

A big thanks to C-Max sponsor Rush Adventures – you should check them out because they're brilliant.

Written by Dasia Lutova